Tarotscope for 2021

Pick the group of cards that you feel most attracted to for your 2021 predictions:

Group A:

Moss Agate Stone: Moss Agate is a stone of new beginnings. It refreshes the soul and enables you to see all of the beauty in your life. It attracts abundance and improves self-esteem by making you feel more emotionally balanced.

Oracle: You and your loves ones are safe: There is a new start coming to your life this coming year. It can be in the form of a family member, friend, or moving to a new home. This card is a message that you can do what you have been hoping for. This year, you want to reconnect with those you may have been neglecting, especially if you have been neglecting yourself. Work on any insecurities you have felt to bring your desires to fruition. Let someone get closer to you, and use meditation practices to help rid yourself of any insecurities. Whatever happens, this year will work in your favor, especially in regards to family matters.

Tarot: World, 10 of Wands, 9 of Cups, and 5 of Swords: Keep your dreams alive! You may question your own abilities necessary to fulfill your dreams, but you are getting the green light to race forward this year with confidence. Be prepared to create boundaries with others, what you will and will not do in a relationship, as it will allow you to avoid carrying a heavy load or taking on more than you can handle. Be sure to place thought before desire, or you may end up regretting what you wished for. Your current situation at present will be abolished by acting with assertion, and independence, so be sure to conduct yourself with integrity this coming year. Know that you are still in control of the situation.

Group B:

Carnelian Stone: Carnelian is important to use for love, and is used in helping boost fertility and stimulate sexuality that may have faded over time in an otherwise loving relationship. It can improve perception; sharpen concentration, and calm anger.

Oracle: Surrender to the Divine: This new year brings ideas and images to a conclusion and is a turning point for you. Some kind of change or an emotional explosion will likely occur. Tune into your emotions and listen to what they tell you. They are likely close to the surface already. The odds are in your favor that your wishes are going to come true. You may need to work harder than usual and keep your cool as events begin to unfold.

Tarot: The Star, 10 of Pentacles, 5 of Swords, Ace of Swords: Keep hope alive! You will figure out a solution this coming year to any problems you currently face. This year is especially lucky for you, so flirt away with that crush you have, ask for a raise, and take a chance! This coming year is financially more secure for you, and you will be surrounded by those that love you and support you and your ideas. You have control of the situation, so be sure to pick your battles wisely. Not only will it lead to a more peaceful relationship with others, but you will likely come out stronger because of it. This year brings you a sense of clarity, allowing you to see with clearer eyes to the world around you. Make meditation a daily routine to clear away stress and to assist in making the most out of the opportunities that come your way. Open your mind to new ideas and learn something new to inspire your creative side.

Group C:

Rhodonite Stone: Rhodonite is a stone that can be utilized in the workplace to increase self-assurance and overcome feelings of inadequacies. It aids you to think in fair and balanced terms, and allows you to act with compassion against envy and jealousy.

Oracle: Don’t let pride get in your way: This year, ask yourself if pride has held you back. Are you acting based on your ego, or from the heart? You may end a deadlock or bad relationship this year…more love and acting for the greater good are the solutions to your dilemma. If you have not been giving as you are receiving lately, it is time to find a balance between your own needs and the people in your life. It will help all of your relationships by thinking mindfully. Self-esteem is good, but vanity is not. Realize that everyone is equally important.

Tarot: Hierophant, Knight of Pentacles, Ace of Cups, 4 of Swords: Expand your wisdom! Identify with others in the workplace this year to prompt further learning. You will find success by working with others and choosing not to ‘rock the boat’. Take time to learn a new skill, or build on your current skills. Whether it be through school or training, it can be helpful for your career. Stay continually committed to your goals, no matter how far away they may seem. It is likely your hard work will help you achieve them. Taking a slow and steady approach this year, it will be rewarded and open up new opportunities that may even lead you to a promotion or a new job. So be sure to prove your dedication to any new prospects. No matter how busy or frustrated you may get from work, be sure to listen to your body, and give yourself permission to take a break occasionally. Without rest, the effect it takes on your health can be long lasting. Give yourself permission to take a mental health break, catch up on some sleep, and don’t forget to spend some time to care for yourself in the coming year.

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