Tarot Energy for September – See whats happening next!

Hey Everyone! Cheyenne has done up a September 2016 Tarot Energy overview for the month ahead!


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For Love and Relationships -I pulled the reversed storm warning card
Good news for ones who are going through breakups or any arguments/fights 🙂
This card reversed indicates that the dark times are behind you- or at least beginning to fall away! Woohoo! You can take heart that sunny skies and better times are on the horizon. This new light may bring a time of reassessment and redirection for you. Let yourself consider where you want to go next. Also spend some time reflecting on the difficulty that has passed. What was the lesson for you? Whether it’s about self-love or empowerment, remember to bring these intentions (& the lessons learned) into your bright new path.
Affirmation-  I have the power to overcome any obstacle. No matter what is going on, I can be strong, confident, and self directed.


Career and money  -I pulled the magician and the mirror card! 
This card represents the culmination of your personal and spiritual power at this time. In the magician’s left hand is the flame of passion and action. In his right hand is a vortex of water and the light of reflection. This highly beneficial card is telling you that YOU are the magician, and within your grasp are the amazing forces of earth and spirit. The water is the energy of yin, the power of spirit and clarity of thought. The flame is the energy of yang, bringing direction and creativity. Together they give you the magnificent magic of transformation. The mirror stands beside the magician reflecting the outer world’s response to your choice to use or dismiss the true power that you have. Its silver reflection reveals the future in a mist on the horizon, ready to be magically formed! When you receive the magician upright, you are put on notice that an important and powerful time is at hand. A promotion at work? A raise? 🙂 Finding a new solution none of your coworkers have figured out?!  You are the alchemist of your life, and just as an alchemist turns base metals into gold, you are now able to transform your difficulties into great blessings. This is true in every area of your life. Claim your power and embrace your intentions in your heart and in your daily life. Direct your destiny, and the mists of the future will clear into brilliant reality.


Overall energy  -I pulled the card cornucopia which means “wishes fulfilled”
An abundant harvest and great blessings are waiting for you, and you may even find all of your wishes fulfilled. This cornucopia of gifts from the universe can come in the form of financial riches, job fulfillment, romantic love, or all of the above. When you receive the cornucopia upright, you know that you’ve done important work and it’s about to pay off. The seeds you’ve planted in your energy and in your life are ready to be harvested in some significant ways. Get ready, for a great feast of abundant value is being prepared for you now, and spirit is applauding all of your effort.
Wow!! Who wouldn’t love this card?! Amazing energy for September!!

*Cards are The Energy Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor

cheyenne sept tarot 2About Cheyenne
I am a young lady, but an old soul. I have been through so much already in life. I love the outdoors and nature!! Especially forests and open meadows. Water… Nature is where I feel like the real me. I love all animals! Even reptiles! I own snakes and lizards, as well as the fuzzy ones. I used to live in the United States. I was a farm girl growing up. Loved to get down and dirty. Moved to Vancouver BC the party city….. Not exactly my thing but I’m working on feeling good here. It’s beautiful and wonderful spots to enjoy my nature still! I’m a new mom to two little girls (Twins!!). And twins are known for coming early! Which they did! I am a empath. I connect easily to animals, almost as if I can feel what they are saying/feeling. I am very intuitive. I often feel things and know things before they happen or before I am told. I also like to work with crystals and healing stones.I understand how every person I meet no matter the age, we are all on different walks/or miles of life. We should never judge someone, because we have no idea what they are dealing with. They may put on the biggest smile, but deep down feel like they are alone, and in the dark. Sometimes people just need a helping hand. I am here to help people -to have them feel refreshed and a sense of entitlement, so they know they aren’t alone. To reconnect them with what they are missing or seeking.  I have always wanted to help people in every aspect of life. I’m a nurses aide because I can’t get enough of helping people.
Contact me today for your own personal reading and overview for September!


#tarot #mytarotadvisor #freetarot #september2016 #freereading #tarotinsight #psychic

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