The new year is upon us! 2020 will be an amazing year for everyone filled with so much growth and improvement.
I look to my Gemstone Oracle cards to show me how the energy of the year will be regarding social situations. In 2020, be careful of who you associate with. This is important because there will be people that are going to try to get you to involve yourself in their negativity and poor decision making. Keep to yourself and remain clear minded when involving yourself with others.
I consult my Tarot Of Love deck for insight on this years romantic energies. If you are in a relationship, expect this year to be a year of growth and abundance in love. There will be a lot of progress in your relationships going to the next level. If you are not currently in a relationship, there will definitely be opportunity for new romance to come to you. This year, 2020, is a year of love and connections so expect that you will be in a good, fulfulling relationship.
In all, my Oracle of the Angels deck shows me Angel of Being. This year, in 2020, remember that you are part of this universe and this earth. Your energy is so very important. This year you need to be mindful of the people you invite in, keep a clear mind, and definitely work on your relationship with yourself.

If you would like a personalized reading for the upcoming year, I am more than happy to provide that to you. I am available for live chat, texts, and audio messages — I hope 2020 brings you much happiness.. Love & Light ~Lauren