November 2016 TarotScopes: What’s In The Cards?

laura-sqNovember is a month of deep shadows that starts with a chance for soul level healing as the moon swells to her fullest expression on the 14th and offers a delicious opportunity to release what no longer serves and holds the promise that when we make the space, the intentions we unleash have room to grow to fullness. Novembers Full Moon occurs in Taurus and is associated with Venus. The surface of our lives is disturbed and the ripples betray the arrival of what’s been hidden in the depths. We are encouraged to evaluate our self healing-we are to travel to the center of our hearts and sit with our wounds. To embrace the broken parts of ourselves and release what we have clung to.

We are making space for the New Moon on the 29th in Sagittarius. We cast our arrows with an aim that is true. We expand into awareness-weaving spells and rituals designed to manifest our next great adventure and multiply our connection to abundance, luck and prosperity. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter who ensures us that wherever we place our focus and our energy will surely cultivate beyond our wildest expectations. Its important we put these wishes into words. To allow them to leave our lips; energy dancing upon our formed words-tiny spells set into flight.

Let’s explore the energy of the month further sign by sign. I am using the Dreams of Gaia Tarot which is by Ravynne Phelan These readings are an alchemy of intuitive channelings, astrology and energetic imprint. To gain a truly vivid picture of your month ahead read your Sun, Moon and Rising signs. If you happen to fall within 7-10 days of a change in signs, then you will want to read the one after your Sun sign as well (what is called your cusp sign).


Aries: 10 of Air – Showing up authentically takes bravery. It is not the easy choice-it is often much easier to don a mask of our crafting that we feel will be accepted or valued. Its easier to try and do what others want than to say “no”. We all wrestle with self doubt and worry that if we were to say what we think, to do as we wish or to feel as we desire that we would be rejected by those who we care for. So we put on the mask. We pretend to be something we are nor or dial down the parts of ourselves that we fear are not acceptable. No longer does this feel like an suitable choice for you. There is a shedding of all the masks that have been put on so that you can rise-actualized, confident and authentic. This means we are free to be new. We can outgrow parts of ourselves and choose differently. Your independence this month will be strong as will your desire to accept your limitlessness. To know that you are not bound by others’ opinions or constraints. The world is your oyster when you show up not as your representative but as yourself.

Taurus: Journey – What does your journey say about you? How has your past been allowed to influence the person who shows up to the world each day? The path that you have taken thus far and all the experiences therein have manifested the person you are today, for better or worse. This month you have the opportunity to release parts of your journey that have imparted their lesson and no longer serve. You have the power to choose a new narrative. One which acknowledges the entirety of your sacred journey while opening the way for a tale that you control. A narrative which will influence each day, week, month and years to follow. This requires that you stand bravely facing all that you have encountered. Not as victim. Not as aggressor. Now with resentment or bitterness. Not with any characterization or judgment but simply with honest eyes and willingness of the heart. The willingness to acknowledge we cannot always control what experiences reveal themselves to us on our path but we do control our reaction. We control what power we endow these things with. How much they can hold over our lives. We have the authority to choose love over fear.

Gemini: The Child –  Think back to a time when you wanted something so badly you could feel it in your bones. You could taste it; feel it in your hands. Your heart pounded with excitement just thinking about it. You were equally unfettered by the notion of limit. Or impossibility. You simply understood that you wanted something and nothing was going to hold you back. And nothing did. Even if it meant you visualized that jumping from your bed meant you were flying in the wide open sky. You realized back then as you do now that in the end it all comes down to perception. This month you have the power to manifest powerful expansion in your life when you refuse to buy into narratives of limitation. You can swell to greatness otherwise thought impossible by simply believing it is possible. Dream, dare and then do. Again and again until it feels just right.

Cancer: The Mother –  What do you nurture in your life? What does the investment of your effort, energy and emotion say about you and your dreams? There is something this month which beckons you. It asks you to cradle it. To hold it close to your chest so it feels the beating of your heart. To nourish it with your attention. Where we focus our devotion says a great deal about what we value in this life. How much cherishing do you send to those things or people outside of you? Do you need to hold yourself like a lover? To support your own spirit with some sacred self care? Emotional intimacy and affection, when applied to those things we need most, promises to unfurl a verdant garden of possibility before us.

Leo: Abundance – This month you are called to dig into abundance. What does abundance look like to you? What does it feel like when it touches your skin? How does the energy of abundance change the landscape of your life? When it leaves your fingertips how does it transform the world around you?  This month the energy of abundance is knocking with many gifts to share with you. More than that abundance brings with it the great lesson on acceptance. Sometimes the manifesting of abundance is easier than accepting it. We must see ourselves as worthy. We must belief that we were brought here for more than just struggle or stress. We must examine our core beliefs surrounding abundance and assess if the narrative around this belief affirms our worth or erodes it. Specifically, we must let go of the misguided belief that abundance is not spiritual. We must hold our hearts open to receive knowing that when we are full we are capable of showing up in service not just to ourselves but the world. An act of the greatest spiritual significance.

Virgo: 5 of Earth –  When we merely graze the surface we hardly create the spaciousness for deep roots; life cannot exist merely on the exterior. So you find this month that simply accepting something at face value proves fruitless. You must dig in deeper. You must be willing to get your hands dirty and skin your knees. Go beneath the dirt, into the core and then go even deeper and find the light. This is a month to not simply accept. This is a month to be totally and unequivocally accountable. To know that we are our own advocates, that this life is a constant reflection of our level of participation. Be honest with yourself and if something doesn’t feel right, if something is not sitting right with you, then dig deeper. Dig until you cannot dig any more. Do not settle for littleness. Do not settle for settling. Instead honor your intuition, honor what tickles at your attention by doing the work to explore life beyond the apparent.

Libra: King of Earth –  Life feels good. It looks good. It tastes good. It leaves you feeling content in ways you hardly thought possible. You look around and marvel at the blessings this life is filled with. And you should, after all you built this. You worked hard for this. While others may have been skirting responsibility or taking the easy route you were digging into this life and working your tail off to see that your dreams became your reality. This doesn’t mean that it goes to your head-no you are far to grounded and realistic for that. It does mean that this month you should take time for celebrating your achievements. Give yourself credit for your hard work and enjoy some of what life has to offer. You have a right to applaud your achievements and take pride in the life that you have built. The paradox of your hard working nature is that while it opens many doors it can and often leads to a life too tightly controlled. Release, settle into and feel the support of the life you built in perfect trust. All that exists around you in there to support you so honor the flow and enjoy the fruits of your labors. This will fuel you. It will nourish your spirit and feed your creativity. It will leave you feeling refreshed and ready for your next bold move.

Scorpio: Emotional Intelligence –  This month you are encouraged to evaluate what motivates you, emotionally. Do you tend to honor some emotions while disallowing others? How many times have we heard someone say that a choice or action is either fueled from a place of fear or born of love? We tend to make one emotion to be lesser than the other but the truth of the matter is we can be plagued by doubts but are equally blinded by love. Both love and fear motivate and it’s a balance of these two qualities which allows us to lead whole, actualized, authentic lives. When we vilify an emotion we also begin a process of suppressing that quality within ourselves. In this case suppressed emotions leads to dis-ease and imbalance to our energy; it creates blocks energetically which fosters stagnation physically and emotionally. This month you are to find healthy release for the full spectrum of human emotions. To honor your flow and to acknowledge that lesson that each emotion imparts. And then learn from it.

Sagittarius: Emotions –  What if I told you that emotions are neither good nor bad? That its merely our conditioning which places judgment upon qualities that within them have both a positive and negative charge. There is an inherent duality within everything. Each emotion contains both a sliver of hope and the possibility for growth. Each contains a spark of knowledge; a lesson that aids in our personal and spiritual revolution. This month you are encouraged to evaluate how you interact with your emotions. Do you live life leaning towards one end of the emotional spectrum over another? Do you need to infuse more joy and laughter to balance a season which is going to test our resolve? Most importantly how can you show up for your emotions? How can you dance with them? Make love to them? To help them to feel seen, witnessed and supported instead of repressed, rejected or judged? In so doing you build a strong and healthy relationship with your emotions and with yourself. One that accepts. One that supports and one that will ultimately hold space for your growth.

Capricorn: 9 of Air –  This month you are supported in your exploration of the Universal consciousness. To learn more about yourself and how in knowing yourself you know the great mysteries of the Universe. Because you are one with everything else. You are not separate or disconnected. You are spiritual consciousness in physical form. You exist on both planes and work done on one level assists you on the other. We are all a High Priestess-dancers of the great mystery and a purveyor of both logic and intuition. Shadow and light. We, as alchemists blend the spiritual and the mundane and understand the connection between the two. We are not merely spiritual bodies any more than we are merely physical beings. Rather we are a fusion, a perfect marriage and seamless union of the two and therein creates a new possibility. The possibility that we are one with the divine and the mundane. That each of us are a part of “All That Is”. That the answer to our prayers, the fruits of our rituals does not exist outside of us but within.

Aquarius: Intuition – What does your connection to intuition look like? Do you allow yourself spaciousness and stillness to tap into this deep inner knowing? You are encouraged this month to allow your inner guidance system to lead the way. You are often caught up in the mind; following the many thoughts as they speed by and this often serves you well. This month, however, you are encouraged to allow your intuition to lead the way. To fuse together logic and intuition to assist you. For some this may seem an impossible feat but I encourage you to remember that just as your logic comes natural so does intuition. We are all born with this innate inner knowing and like any muscle it grows and strengthens with use. Learn to trust this inner knowing and trust that intuition is your faithful and devoted guide and will always lead the path forward towards your highest good. It will always show you the way and light even the most obscured path.

Pisces: The Crone – There is a deep and resounding power when we reach a point in our journey when we can make our own rules, live according to our own doctrine. When we feel completely clear on what we want and how our lives are to be crafted. We fearlessly make choices rooted in a self awareness that is iron clad. We know our strengths. We know our weaknesses and we make decisions which honor these parts of ourselves. We giggle at the way we used to doubt ourselves or feel we needed to fashion ourselves after another. But its no laughing matter, in truth. We all come to a sense of self awareness in our own way in our own time. This self trust may come naturally to some but for most we have to work hard at it. We must choose to trust. To believe in ourselves. This month we stop comparing. We stop wondering what others think and stand tall and proud in our uniqueness. Knowing that when we show up for the world in this way we are unstoppable.

Enjoy the medicine that November has for each of us! If you would like to expand upon your reading for the month order your reading today from any one of our trusted advisors!

~Laura xox

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