There is 2 main forms of love, one is on a physical plane of existence, it is the first love you ever experience, in your life. it is passionate exciting thrilling, heart racing and full of desire. this type of love doesn’t last long, it is the love that helps you be prepared for meeting your twin flame, or soulmate. The second type of love, is the one that makes people feel, as if they lost all control, it can be confusing, frightening, nerve wrecking, anxiety, inducing. This is the spiritual form of love, when you meet your one true love the person, who you have been, destined to be with. The one who you will share your life with. And become as one. If you are experiencing the second form of love mentioned, than you have met your twin flame or soulmate.
How do I know, if I have met my soul mate or twin flame?
1. What is a soul mate ? Soul mates can come in many forms, not just in love but also in friends family’s and those you feel most connected to. A soul mate connection, is the idealistic form of the person that you enjoy being around, it is who you feel the most connected to, the one who you can share everything and anything with, and not feel nervous to speak your truth to and be your real self around theme, we have many soul mates in our lives, but only one twin flame, many people get soul mates, mixed up with just love and romance. That is not the case, your soul mate can be your best friend, your sister, or your current boyfriend and girlfriend. It is the ultimate connection and chemistry you share with people.
2. What is a twin flame ? A twin flame is the D.N.A of your soul. You both are cut from the same material, Share the same spirit and soul It is Your twin spiritual being This connection Can Only be Found, In Lovers. When twin flames meet, it can be quite scary. The moment you lay eyes on that special individual, you feel as if you have met before. Your soul transcends space and time and everything becomes, paused in that moment the love is instant. You feel as if your journey of searching for that person has come to an end, these feelings make you become, nervous desperate for answers and you can’t seem to shake that feeling of similarity between you both. You keep saying to yourself, I have seen theme before I have loved theme before I knew theme, that is who I have been searching for. Your reality can become very distraught and you will experience a spiritual awakening and life, itself will be forever changed
The power of twin flames
If you have yet to meet your twin flame, or haven’t met theme yet, Than you probably aren’t prepared, for how in depth and powerful the love is between twin flames. It is bone chilling, an experience that makes one feel as if they have connected with the divine force that is the universe, having your twin flame, be in your presence, can be something that is priceless, it goes far beyond romance or intimacy. The connection is real strong, and something that makes you Question reality, many people can get lost because of this, they start to forget about there own lives. And put more into there twin flames happiness than there own. This is what leads to trouble and chaos. Between these two individuals, you need to always make sure your happiness is taken care of. Along with your twin flames. Don’t ever lose sense of your reality.
3 steps to success, in a twin flame relationship
1. Mutual respect
Sometimes one twin flame partner can be more selfish than the other partner, in the relationship. Simply for the fact, that twin flames can get to used to the idea, that they don’t have to put in any work or effort. Into the relationship simply because there other twin flame makes theme feel like they don’t have to. Always have open communication and discussion on what you need from your partner.
2. Forgiveness
It is only normal for twin flames to have disagreements, flare ups, arguments, heated discussions. Since the connection is so strong, the moments of misery will be deeper than any relationship before. These individuals feel strongly, and say and do everything with passion. So forgiveness is key, when your twin flame partner says or does something to upset you. Without forgiveness or proper understanding, of the situation at hand. Than it could lead to more issues down the road.
3. Saving space for yourself
Taking a moment to breathe is very important when it comes to twin flames, you don’t have to prove and give your all 100 percent, of the time. Without taking a moment for yourself to see, where your own happiness is at, than it will call for complications always give 50/50 to both yourself and your partner.
Written by Shawn Lee – Shawn is available at both My Tarot Advisor and Psychictxt to provide you with Tarot and Psychic insights and guidance for your day to day issues and concerns. Speak to him today and find out more about your tomorrow
I am experiencing exactly what you described in the twin flame scenario… every tarot reader I’ve spoken to has confirmed it as well. It’s crazy because as much as I am on auto pilot with my feelings towards him — it’s literally the most up and down relationship I’ve ever had– but I am also learning so much about myself — the really insane thing is he hasn’t admitted to himself he loves me yet — well he isn’t acknowledging it openly at all anymore. I think it caught us both by complete unexpected surprise — and we are not even officially together after 6 months of dating — I’m a realist and somewhat jaded — I’m a single mom of 35 and very independent, however in this situation my head and my heart only conflict …. yet reading this really helped me get some extra clarity that others were trying to explain to me. I usually do not comment or post but I just felt so compelled to share that I really do believe there are just certain souls that stay connected no matter what the outside boundaries are…. thank you for writing this
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