Let’s Talk Tarot

There are four suits to the Tarot.  Let me break it down for you simply. PENTACLES, coins or disk are associated with  earth and may represent the season of Autumn.

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My Take On Soulmates and Twinflames

Everyone seems to want a soulmate or a twinflame, but not everyone knows the true definition of having either of these within your energy. Do they exists? Yes, I believe

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Seasonal Cleaning Your Home (and Yourself!)

The dreaded workload associated with a good spring or fall clean is something very few people look forward to. The clean feeling after, not just in the house but in

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Free Will Verses Fate

Free will, predestined fate, self fulfilling prophecies… what will the future hold? There are a few different views on this touchy topic, and many religions also have their own take

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Dreams and Their Meaning and Their Effect

What a dream means? Dream is a picture or vision which we see when our eyes are closed and we are in complete darkness and we are doing nothing, we

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A Time To Let Go, And Move Forward

Lunar Eclipse July 28, 2018 – A Time to let go, and move forward What is a lunar Eclipse Amazing that’s what! So on July 27th/28th we have some amazing

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The Past May Have Shaped Us, But We Have the Power to Change

“If you want to fly, you have to give up the things that weigh you down.” ~Toni Morrison   Our very first relationship is the one we develop with ourselves. However,

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How to Tune Out Your Inner Critic and Enjoy More of Your Life

“Be careful how you are talking to yourself because you are listening.” ~Lisa M. Hayes   For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a laser-sharp focus on achieving

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My Personal Experience with My Twin Flame

I get a lot of questions and reading requests in regards to twin flames and twin flame connections. I would like to offer my own personal experience with MY twin

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Are You Lonely or just Alone?

There is great importance in understanding the difference between aloneness and loneliness. When connecting to the feeling of aloneness it is presence, fullness, the joy of being and an overflow

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