Meet Brooke at My Tarot Advisor

ABOUT BROOKE   I am an intuitive oracle reader, spirit animal card reader, I do work with pendulum divination and intuitive reader. I am currently taking classes for reiki and animal

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TarotScopes for September 2018

Aries – Nine of Pentacles – The season of Virgo may have you feeling withdrawn and more independent than before. Embrace this side, as it has it’s own merits for

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Why I Won’t Let the Fear of Failure Hold Me Back

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts.” ~Winston Churchill  I am scared of sharks. Often when I’m floating in the ocean

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Anger In Relationships

In relationships, it is often noticed where anger can be used as a false sense of power or confidence. It can be used as an ego driven way to establish

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DIY Message From Your Guides

For a message from your guides, please close your eyes and relax for a moment. When you open them, pick a picture you are drawn to. Then go to the

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Personal Success: Lets Make It Happen

Success is something we all want and strive for. Whether it be in out careers, love, or business, success is always the end goal. So of everyone wants to be

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Tarotscopes for August 2018

  Aries – King of Cups Rx – Watch for the strengths you bear becoming the sword you cut others down with. The king of cups shows a man who is emotionally

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Healing The Planet Earth

I am finding, more and more recently, that we as individuals are becoming more were and conscience of our surroundings, meaning planet earth.  We have more cruelty and animal free

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A Time To Let Go, And Move Forward

Lunar Eclipse July 28, 2018 – A Time to let go, and move forward What is a lunar Eclipse Amazing that’s what! So on July 27th/28th we have some amazing

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WHAT IS “MERCURY RETROGRADE”?  We are all influenced when Mercury is in retrograde.   Due to the way our own orbit interacts with those of the other planets, they might sometimes appear to

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