“Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.” ~Benjamin Franklin Have you every worried yourself to the point of emotional, even physical exhaustion?
“Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.” ~John Allen Paulos In three weeks, my boyfriend and I might move
The Secret to (High) Self-Esteem
- May 30, 2017
I personally do not know anyone who, after all is said and done, is not after high self-esteem. It may not be blatant or obvious to the eye, yet once
“What you think of yourself is much more important than what people think of you.” ~Seneca I can still remember it like it happened yesterday. There I was. Ten years
How to Deal with a Break Up
- May 22, 2017
I met him the last semester of college and was instantly attracted to him. I was definitely attracted to him physically, but it was the way he sat in class
Be Gentle with Yourself When Dealing with Heartbreak
- May 19, 2017
I’m sitting in the nail salon near my apartment, perusing Vogue and making small talk with the woman who is cradling my hand and filing my nails. We’re catching up
You Don’t Have to be Shaken Up to Wake Up
- May 14, 2017
“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” ~Andy Warhol I’m in my late thirties now, but I remember getting my first car like
“You’re the Best Mom Ever!” Nope. “You’ve always listened, loved, and let me lean on you.” Not really. For most of my adult life, every year before Mother’s Day I
“The amount of happiness that you have depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh Nine years ago my heart was in a million
“It’s not your job to like me. It’s mine.” ~Byron Katie I’m short. I’m stumpy. My nose looks like a pig’s. My inner thighs touch when I walk. My gums