Dear Scorpio,

  • By
  • Nov 02, 2019

Happy birthday Scorpio oh my goodness y’all I’m so excited because it’s our season. I’m really going to go in depth about our sun sign for an hour you can

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Spirituality of the Autumn Equinox

Occurring on Monday, September 23, 2019, @ 2:50 am CST the days will become shorter, the nights will become longer, the trees begin to show their radiant colors, and Summer

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Happy Earth Day 🌎

Hi all, and Happy Earth Day! I remember last year doing some content on this very subject last year where I spoke about how I was feeling a strong direction

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It’s The Full Moon & Good Friday

For this blog post to make any sense, there are a few things you have to know about me. I am Ren, I am a southern girl. I was born

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2019 TarotScopes

Aries – Seven of Swords – The coming year ahead for Aries shows a conflict with ambitions and your morals. Which to you, is more important? The universe plans to

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Try Not to Become Bitter: There Is More Good Than Bad

“We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” ~Martin Luther King Jr.    A few years ago, when my younger son was about ten, the reality of the losses

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Healing The Planet Earth

I am finding, more and more recently, that we as individuals are becoming more were and conscience of our surroundings, meaning planet earth.  We have more cruelty and animal free

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How to Tune Out Your Inner Critic and Enjoy More of Your Life

“Be careful how you are talking to yourself because you are listening.” ~Lisa M. Hayes   For as long as I can remember, I’ve always had a laser-sharp focus on achieving

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Let’s Celebrate Earth Day

Growing up, I was told in school to recycle and teachers even made us participate in recycling programs. However, I never understood why. Why should I go out of my

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