Black Super New Moon July 31

On July 31st or August 1st, depending on the time zone you live in, we have a Black Super Moon in the sign of Leo. A Black Moon is the name that is given to the second New Moon in a calendar month. Even though some countries will experience this New Moon in August, it is still considered a Black Moon due to its proximity to the start of the month.

This Black Moon is also a Super Moon, meaning that it’s nice and close to planet Earth. When this happens, the tides are more affected by the vibrations of the Moon, and so too are we. The Black Super New Moon also brings the start of a new lunar cycle, and this new cycle comes after a series of very potent and transformative Eclipses. 

In many ways, the start of this new cycle will be helping us to integrate and settle into the wounds, transformations, and changes the recent eclipses may have triggered. If the Eclipses have stirred things or brought change in your life, this Black Moon will allow you to soften into what has unfolded so you can begin figuring out your next steps and seeing things in a new way.

Under the influence of this Black Moon, potential and new beginnings will begin filling the cosmic skies however, we are going to have to take things slow and give the energies time to work their magic, as around the same time as the Black Moon, Mercury will be preparing to come out retrograde. 

New Moons have the potential to draw things to us which is why they are a great time to set intentions, but with all this new energy floating around and the effects of Mercury Retrograde, we may have to sit with ourselves first before we can know which intention is best for us.

We have changed. The Eclipses have elevated us. They have transformed us, and we have to make sure that our intentions are a reflection of that.

We can certainly be inspired by this New Moon and think about what we want to bring into our lives, but we do have to be patient, get still with our breath, and tune into our hearts to allow the energy of the cosmos to integrate with the energy of our soul. Excerpt from Forever Conscious

If you would like fresh insight into the new month ahead and how this Super Black moon has affected you contact Taime at Psychic Vision today.

Taime is available daily at Psychic Vision for Live Chat and Video Readings.

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