I pulled a card for September with the sun in Virgo. I got the eight of pentacles reversed as the overall energy. This is actually a very good sign for I think a lot of us have been overworked lately and even for the people who have been going through a lot of constraints with the retrogrades that have transpired over this summer. We are now coming away from working so hard and we’re still focusing on ourselves and our everyday activities and responsibilities. Now we are learning how to enjoy our lives overall and our quality of life which I think is a big deal!
With the eight of pentacles in reverse because that tells me whenever it comes up in a reading that my seeker is actually enjoying their quality of life at this moment. For people who are looking for work I always say with the eight of pentacles in reverse the less you try hard at looking for a job and stressing that point the easier it will actually come to you. For communications it’s basically the same thing with a twist it’s more about material communication so that would j would be like with your coworkers or your friends who have material activities will probably be calling you to do more leisurely events or bonding activities with them or family too.
In love, this tells me instead of trying hard to be loved in a relationship or to look for a partner just enjoy it at the stage you are at right now. That means if you’re single you need to enjoy the single life because the more you actually enjoy in that experience the more likely love is going to come to you you go out and enjoy your surroundings. If you’re coupled this tells me you were on the right path and you are working your issues out by bonding outside of your every day lives in working at the relationship we need to learn how to have fun just to have fun with the person you are with.
Let me know if you are wanting to talk about September! ~Luna